Sunday, April 13, 2014

Birth Story- short version

When I was pregnant, I read dozens of birth stories.  I really appreciated that women took the time to write their stories and share them.  It's taken me more than 7 months, but I've finally written mine.  This is the condensed version, you can read the absurdly long longer version here.  If you're expecting, know that you can do this.  Women have been having babies for a really long time and your body is capable and strong.

Short/time-line version

3:00 p.m.- Midwife sweeps membrane
7:00 p.m.- Try to start labor- long walk, smooches, etc.
9:00 p.m. - Start losing mucus plug

2:00 a.m.- Wake up with “this is different!” contractions, go back to sleep
6:00 a.m.- Wake up for the day, get ready, head to work
7:00-12:00- Surprisingly busy work day.  When I paused, I noticed the uncomfortable contractions, but when working they weren’t too distracting.
12:00- Went to yoga
1:00- Walk home, call the midwife to let her know that something may be happening
3:00- Dad and Mom come by and visit and time contractions, lend great support, and make dinner
5:30- Jed comes home from work and we labor at home, mom and dad head home soon after
7:00- Labor in the tub, Shannon comes to help
8:00- Check into the hospital
9:30- Get to our L&D room

2:00 a.m.- Start pushing
2:30- See the head!
3:30- Still pushing!
4:00- Meet our baby girl!
4:30- Go to OR for stitches
6:30 a.m.- Return to baby and husband and get some sleep