Short/time-line version
3:00 p.m.- Midwife sweeps membrane
7:00 p.m.- Try to start labor- long walk, smooches, etc.
9:00 p.m. - Start losing mucus plug
2:00 a.m.- Wake up with “this is different!” contractions,
go back to sleep
6:00 a.m.- Wake up for the day, get ready, head to work
7:00-12:00- Surprisingly busy work day. When I paused, I noticed the
uncomfortable contractions, but when working they weren’t too distracting.
12:00- Went to yoga
1:00- Walk home, call the midwife to let her know that
something may be happening
3:00- Dad and Mom come by and visit and time contractions,
lend great support, and make dinner
5:30- Jed comes home from work and we labor at home, mom and
dad head home soon after
7:00- Labor in the tub, Shannon comes to help
8:00- Check into the hospital
9:30- Get to our L&D room
2:00 a.m.- Start pushing
2:30- See the head!
3:30- Still pushing!
4:00- Meet our baby girl!
4:30- Go to OR for stitches
6:30 a.m.- Return to baby and
husband and get some sleep