Wednesday, August 21, 2013

39 Weeks

Baby Layton, due in less than a week!

I'm not sure there's much more room in my womb for little girl to grow, but I'm trying to mentally prepare for a September baby.  My terrific mom carried all of her kids closer to 42 weeks (or more!) than the expected 40 weeks and I chose a practice that will wait until 42 weeks to induce. So, if baby is really comfortable (and still thriving), we won't kick her out until September 9th.  Right now I'm putting my money on September 4th- but we'd love to meet her earlier than that!


  1. Wow wow, I can't believe how close it is coming. You guys are going to be great parents and the world will be a better place because the Laytons are going to raise baby Maybe

    1. Thanks Josh! I just saw your comment, parenting is crazy and so incredible. I can't wait to see your little ones sometime soon(?). I hope the east coast is treating you well, we'd love to see you next time you're in town.
