Saturday, July 6, 2013

It's coming fast!

We're having a baby.

I've been able to feel this little girl wiggle inside of me for over two months, but it still surprises me sometimes. There are plenty of days that I constantly have my hand on my stomach and all I can think about is the little person just inches away and I feel like I'm just twiddling my thumbs, waiting for the big day when we get to meet our baby- like my life is paused and will start again when she gets here.

And it's taking forever.

Except that it isn't.

The weeks are flying by.  It's unbelievable to me that on Monday I'll be 33 weeks along- my due date is  only a little over 7 weeks away (though she'll probably come closer to 9 weeks from now).  I feel absolutely thrilled but entirely inadequate.  Right now I'm sitting in baby's room, surrounded by piles of clothes.  A good friend gave me a giant bag full of clothes and I've been sorting them into sizes.  I've been able to feel this little girl growing inside of me for months, but seeing these different sized outfits side-by-side makes me realize how much she'll grow in the first months on the other side- there's a stark contrast between the first pile and the last.

Each day is precious and has elements that will never quite be the same.  Right now I'm soaking in the last weeks of one-on-one time with my husband and enjoying the flexibility of my own personal schedule.  I'm terribly excited though.

We're having a baby!

31 weeks