Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Dye all the wraps! Alright, maybe start with one...

Today, I crafted.  This isn't something I do often, but it was a lot of fun.

  • wrap (I'm dying my DIY osnaburg shorty)
  • gloves- so you don't burn(?) your hands with the soda ash or dye your fingers
  • 1 cup soda ash
  • dye- Tulip brand "sunshine yellow" and "aqua"
  • 3 cups salt

Step 1
Fold wrap accordion style (I did 3rds), and roll somewhat loosely.  I used a straight pin to hold the end in place when I finished 

Step 2
Combine 1 cup soda ash with 1 gallon warm water.  Soak wrap for 20 minutes.

Step 2
Wring out wrap so it's damp but not dripping

Step 3
Combine 1.5 cups salt, 1 packet yellow dye, and 3 quarts warm water.  Mix so most of salt and dye is dissolved

Step 4
Put wrap in a bucket (like a roll of toilet paper sitting on it's end), add the yellow so it covers about 2/3 of the wrap. The wrap may slip as it gets wet and heavy, I used a wooden spoon to help prop it up and also just held it a lot of the time and moved it frequently to try and get the dye to be even.  Leave it in the dye for ~20 minutes.

Step 5
Wring wrap and rinse bucket

Step 6
Repeat steps 3-5 with aqua dye

I wonder if it would have stayed this vibrant if I'd let it sit overnight before rinsing

Step 7
Let colors "cure" for 30 min- 24 hours (the longer the color just sits the more vibrant your color should be.  I only waited 30 minutes)

Step 8
Rinse wrap in sink or tub until no dye (or very little dye) is being washed off

Step 9
Wash and dry in the washing machine